Schools organizations and companies are set up to achieve specific objectives or goals.
However to achieve the set objectives tasks and targets must be set established and
performances properly monitored for each player in the specific industry. Needless to say
that the objectives of every secondary school is to provide an educational transition
period between primary school and tertiary institution with core introduction to science
and arts on an intermediary level; this however has formed a foundation for education on
a long run.
Student performance monitoring and evaluation is an imperative aspect of school
management as it forms a basis for the school’s administration to effectively and
efficiently monitor each and every student’s performance in various schools’ academic
curriculums on a continuous basis. It is imperative to state categorically here that most
situations that involves students poor performances in examinations can be traced to the
school’s inability to trace precisely aspects of the schools’ curriculum were each
individual students needs to improve on. Consequently this research work seeks to study
Kaduna Polytechnic Demonstration Secondary School’s curriculum student’s
examination compilation processes which will further aid in the design and
implementation of a computer based student performance monitoring system for the
Kaduna polytechnic Demonstration Secondary School was established on Monday 17th
November 1997. It is co-educational and its main objective is to give sound and
meaningful education not only to the children of Kaduna Polytechnic Staff but also to
those of the immediate community. The school started with 112 Students and 8 teaching
staff. Today the students’ population has grown over 1000 and 40 teaching staff.
The subject offered at the junior secondary school level includes; English language
Mathematics Integrated Science Social Studies Business Studies Agricultural science
Home Economics Physical and Health Education Introductory Technology French Fine
Art Arabic Hausa Religious Studies ( Islamic and Christian) and Computer Science.
The subject offered at the senior secondary school level include; English language
Mathematics Biology Physics Chemistry Further Mathematics Commerce
Accounting Government Food and Nutrition Economics Geography Hausa History
Literature in English and Technical Drawing. The school has recorded an impressive
performance at both junior school certificate examination (JSCE) and senior school
certificate Examination (SSCE)
Student performance evaluation in most Nigerian institution has remained an imperative
concern in the management of secondary schools; this is as a result of the unavailability
of any automated performance evaluation system to carry out the process electronically.
With the vast student population in the school the evaluation of student performance
cannot be effectively achieved unless a computer based system is introduced in this
i. This research work is an attempt to provide a computerized solution to the impending
problem of poor student performance and the managements’ inability to effectively
identify those areas where individual students need to improve on.
ii. Secondly this research work is motivated by the need to encourage a vast application
of computer technology in performing most of the school’s administrations and
managerial tasks.
The Aim of this research work is to design code test and implement a student
performance monitoring system for Kaduna Polytechnic Demonstration Secondary
The objectives of this research are listed below: -
i. To identify the fundamental problems associated with the school’s performance and
evaluation procedures.
ii. To design a computer based system which will be used to perform the student
performance evaluations on a routine basis with a capable high-end database system
to manage the records.
iii. To implement the software system on the school’s computer system platform with
adequate training and proper implementation procedures which will enable the
management perform an effective student performance evaluation.
The significance of the research to the school can be seen as follows: -
i. The project will enable effective compilations of the student’s results on a term basis.
ii. The project will enable the management grade efficiently the students results and
determine electronically their terms performances.
iii. The system will presents an efficient result generation process which will enable
effective decision making process on all levels.
iv. The system will provide each student with a detailed student performance report
which will be given to parents or guardians on a routine basis.
v. Lastly the project will provide the school’s management with a sublime computer
based system for the students’ performance and evaluation process.
In carrying out the design procedure and the overall research methodology of this
research work the following steps will be taken:
i. Consulting the result administrator to get the format and nature of collated and
compiled results.
ii. Interviewing staff on various levels in the school to sample various opinions ideas
and contributions on the task ahead.
iii. Designing a program flow analysis for how the program is to be written.
iv. Writing the program codes to execute the different stages and tasks of the software
using Microsoft Visual Basic 6 and Microsoft Access 2007.
The scope of the research work is to design a system which will be used for the purpose
of student academic performance evaluations; the system will collate the students’ terms
examination performances and evaluate the overall performance while producing an
accurate reporting module and output.
The research under study attempts to provide a robust system solution for performing a
flexible yet computerized performance evaluation of students academic performance at
the secondary school level comprising of both Junior secondary and Senior secondary; in
perspective the project will not be used to compute examination processing as it will be
solely used to process cumulative scores and also grades.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
higher national diploma (hnd)
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